Creating and running audits is a breeze with DrAuditor
DrAuditor is the only independently developed tool designed specifically to validate your MEDITECH SQL Data Repository and also re-send missing rows and disparate column data.
Step 1:
The DrAuditor application consists of a SQL Database, a Windows service and a Windows client. The SQL databases store audit results and some schema/mapping information. The DrAuditor Service is responsible for handling audit requests, establishing connections to MEDITECH, managing jobs and sampling data for comparison. The DrAuditor Client connects to the DrAuditor Service and allows end-users to create, run, schedule, requeue, and view audits.
Launch the DrAuditor Client and connect to the service:
Step 2: Choose the database to validate
In the toolbar menu choose your DB Binding (the Data Repository database you would like to validate) and then select “New”. This will open up a new audit tab.
Step 3: Name your audit and set up email notifications
When creating a new audit you have the option to set up automatic email notifications, give your audit a description, set auto reanalysis and audit SQL only checks.
Email option: sends an email with audit statistics but does not include PHI
Auto Reanalysis: after audit completes re-checks after a delay any rows/columns flagged as missing or desperate
Step 4: Choose your tables by application or DPM/Object Class
Choosing tables by Application will (by default) list out all active Data Repository tables for that application. One benefit of choosing tables by the same DPM is DrAuditor will group all the related tables together which in turn creates a highly efficient audit.
Step 5: Save and start audit/schedule audit run or continue with other audit options
After tables have been selected you can click “Save”. Right click the audit and select “Sample” to start the audit immediately or “Scheduler” to schedule your audit to run in the future.
Step 6: Rows SQL Only checking
DrAuditor has the option of saving every row sampled. Typically DrAuditor discard rows after sampling/comparing that do not have any issues to save resources. SQL Only will keep the primary keys of every row sampled. Defining a parent table will allow you to check child tables of the “parent table” for orphaned rows (rows in a child table that do not have a related row in the parent table).
Step 7: Sample %
Changing the sample rate from the default (100%) to a lower percent can speed up an audit. This can be done on a global level or per table. This can be helpful if one of the tables in your audit is very large. You can also set the maximum number of errors to save.
Step 8: Adding rules to columns
Rules can be added to an audit to speed up the audit sampling or to make smaller samplings.
Step 9: Utilize MEDITECH indexes
MEDITECH indexes can be used to speed audit sampling and to sample smaller amounts of data. Conditions can be applied to the index’s fields just like the rules in Step 8 above.
Step 10: Including or excluding Databases
If your organization has multiple MEDITECH application databases, audits can be tailored to only include the databases you would like to audit:
Step 11: Save and start the audit, or save and create a schedule for the audit
To scheduling an audit right click the audit and choose “Scheduler”.
By default the audit gets set up to run weekly at the time the schedule was created. This can be changed in Task Scheduler. Right click the task (it will contain the audits name). Then go to properties:
Within the properties under Triggers you will click Edit to change the schedule of the audit.
The audit has now been created and schedule to run weekly. When the audit completes you will receive an email. If there are missing rows or column discrepancies you can requeue these issues (resend the missing data to SQL) right from within DrAuditor.
Requeue Issues: When the audit completes you can requeue/resend missing data.
If your audit has rows or columns with issues, you can requeue the issues. Once the requeue completes, the results show that the issues have been sent to Data Repository successfully and there is no longer any outstanding issues.